I believe that art can preserve the beauty and fragility of life


’’I believe art is a universal language in which people can communicate their thoughts and feelings.

I believe that art can preserve the beauty and fragility of life.’’

Ingvilda Knavina is a French artist of Latvian origin who has been acting in the world of digital art since 2015. Her art is closely associated with traditional and virtual art as her creative work is a combination of these two techniques.  She grew up in a family of artists, got a good arts education at the Latvian Academy of Art obtaining a master’s degree in visual art. Ingvilda has worked as a textile artist for years – weaving tapestries, painting in cold and hot batik techniques, which enriched her own creative experience, encouraging her to find her own individual style in art. Knowing different printing techniques opened the way to digital art. Digital art challenges the boundaries of traditional painting, which is why it is so exciting to harness the possibilities of a new era.

Ingvilda’s works relate to both abstract painting and figurative compositions. Portraits best convey her experiments with the real perception of the world. Ingvilda has typical surreal works that feature a psychological depiction of the mood of the soul.

Ingvilda does her work by hand, cultivating it digitally, and repeating the processes. She has other personally developed techniques where individual approaches, monotipia, and other graphic solutions play a major role. She has been fond of Neo-Impressionism because all the pictures consist entirely of tiny paint stains. Ingvilda applies her principle as she believes that there is much more as we see.

Ingvilda has been living in France since 2016. There she adopted the nickname INGVILDA. Her creative works in digital painting techniques made a breakthrough in international art salons and galleries. In France, between several wonderful exhibitions, she can mention multiple participation at ART CAPITAL in Paris starting 2018-2020. Today, her works are exhibited in French galleries, Belgium, Japan, China, South Korea, the USA, and elsewhere in the world. She has participated in many collective exhibitions and has had more than 30 solo exhibitions.


2021 Prix d’Excellence de l’œuvre en Numérique - Salon La Rochelle, France

2020 MedalofCreativeOriginAwardfromSalonInternationalde La Rochelle, France

The 34rd Arts Plasticsin LA ROCHELLEmedal “Excellenceindigitāl art 2021”(Salond’ArtsPlastiquesde La Rochelle)

the 33rd Arts Plasticsin LA ROCHELLEmedal “Excellenceinpainting 2019”(Salond’ArtsPlastiquesde La Rochelle)

the 32rd Arts Plasticsin LA ROCHELLEmedal “Excellenceinpainting 2018”(Salond’ArtsPlastiquesde La Rochelle)

Some of the artworks

Here is some of the artist's artwork. See more artworks in our CATHALOG or Online SHOP.

Available artworks

See Ingvilda's and other artist's artworks.